Astrological Consultations and Teaching

I offer one-time sessions, as well as longer-term astrological counseling and tutoring. For a single session, book a general consultation; if you'd like to explore more deeply, book a 3-sesson package! 

Astrological Counseling

Astrological consultation

Want to take a look into your life using astrology? This is a general astrological reading that can be catered to your needs. Generally, we'll take a look at:

We can focus on relationships, career, or any other issue that's been on your mind-- just let me know. 

First time client: 80 minutes (US$150) 

Returning client or current student: 60 minutes (US$110)  (book "custom reading")

Package of 3 Astro-counseling sessions

Want to explore more

There are so many astrology techniques and I love them all:  transits, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, Solar Return charts, relocation charts, synastry and composite charts (relationship readings), etc. 

With a package of three 60-minute sessions, we'll have time to explore many of them and go deeper into your chart, your relationships, and your life.

Book 3 sessions to receive ongoing support during a difficult life period, or just because you're curious to explore your past and present in greater detail.

(All three sessions must be used within 6 months)

Three 60-minute sessions (US$300)

Relationship reading

Want to better understand the dynamics of a relationship you're in? Astrology has great tools for that! Using synastry and composite charts, we can look into your connection with your loved one (spouse, friend, child, partner, etc) to help you identify areas of ease and tension. A relationship reading can help you better understand your partner and provide insight into how you trigger and support one another so that you can work to strengthen your relationship.  

First time client(s): 100 minutes (US$200) 

Returning client: 60 minutes (US$110) (book "custom reading")

Study Astrology with Me: Tutoring and Courses

One-on-One Tutoring or Mentoring

Interested in studying astrology? Looking for some support as you begin to offer your own astrology readings? 

Sign up for four one-hour mentoring sessions with me. These can be scheduled as weekly or biweekly meetings. You can use your sessions as you wish, but these are some frequent requests:

Predictive techniques. Study your own natal chart and/or others' in greater depth using transits, progressions, and solar arcs

Natal chart reading practice. Bring the charts of people you know, or let me supply "mystery charts" to discuss

Relationship readings. Study synastry and composite charts with me, using the charts of your friends and loved ones, or let me supply "mystery charts" to analyze together

Astro-cartography. Explore the world of locational astrology.

Four 60-minute sessions (US$360)

I maintain availability in my calendar to schedule ongoing tutoring or coaching clients, so if no convenient dates appear when you try to book, just contact me at and we will schedule directly.

Workshop Courses

I'm planning to develop some workshop courses for intermediate astrology students. These courses will include recorded video material, weekly homework assignments and live Q&A zoom calls.

Distinguishing Planets, Signs and Houses - TBD

What's the difference between Libra and the 7th house, or Aquarius and the 11th house? How does Mercury in Scorpio differ in expression from Mercury conjunct Pluto? 

This is a 4-week course designed to help advanced-beginner or intermediate astrology students sharpen their understanding of planets, signs, and houses. We will practice interpreting planets in signs and houses, and discuss the similarities and differences between similar-seeming placements. 

Familiarity with the 12 sign archetypes is required.

Interpreting Natal Aspects - TBD

Whether you're reading a natal chart, looking at transits or using other predictive techniques, understanding how to interpret aspects accurately is the key to advanced chart interpretation. 

This is a 3-month workshop course designed to help intermediate astrology students improve their aspect interpretation skills. Knowledge of the meanings of planets, signs and houses required.

To get notified by me when enrollment opens, fill in the form below:

AstroButterfly Courses

I'll be working on the following Astro Butterfly courses in 2024: 

Astro Butterfly Wings PRO Certification Program – January 10th - March 20th 2024

Astro Butterfly Wings is a 10-week chart reading certification program. Astro Butterfly Wings PRO is for upper-intermediate and advanced students. We study natal chart reading and predictive techniques. To get notified by AstroButterfly when enrollment opens, SAVE THE DATE

Chiron, Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift – March-April 2024

In late February we are running our student-favorite “Chiron Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” live online program. This is a 3-week course. To get notified by AstroButterfly when enrolment opens, SAVE THE DATE

Trans-generational Astrology - July 2024

We'll be developing a brand new course this year on the astrology of ancestry, family and inherited patterns. 

Pluto In Aquarius  – November 2024

In November 2024 we will run a special live program dedicated to Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. This is a 3-week course. To get notified by AstroButterfly when enrollment opens, SAVE THE DATE

Astrological Aspects – 2025

In this highly practical, workshop-format program, we study and learn how to read aspects. Aspects are the secret sauce of natal chart reading interpretation and the #1 reason why people get stuck when they learn astrology. To get notified by AstroButterfly when enrollment opens, SAVE THE DATE

All sessions are conducted via Zoom.  

I am bilingual and also conduct sessions in Spanish.

Client Testimonials

“I’ve long been curious about astrology but was getting lost online trying to interpret my chart. A friend recommended Caro and I worked with her over the course of two months, studying my chart, transits, and progressions. I was blown away! She’s not only great at explaining and teaching astrology, she’s also truly interested in understanding and supporting you.”

~51-year old professor, Charlottesville, VA

“Caro did my birth chart reading and it was so illuminating, insightful and validating! Her interpretations and explanation were easy to follow. She has an open and kind way of providing concrete insight, providing all the details, while also feels like chatting to a best friend.”

~32-year old business owner, Toronto

“I had never given much thought to astrology or star charts, and thought the subject limited to the vague sun-sign readings in the newspaper. A friend pulled my natal chart and started pointing out placements and how they might shed light on parts of my personality I had always struggled to understand. Intrigued, I sought more information and was referred to Caro. I was thrilled by the reading -- Caro had carefully reviewed my chart and identified many unique placements and interactions, she pointed out things that some of my closest friends wouldn't have been able to articulate as pointedly. She was patient, insightful, and direct. She has an incredible depth of knowledge on the subject without pretending to understand "why" or drawing unwarranted predictive conclusions. I intend to schedule follow-ups in the future to translate some of her findings into self-growth.”

~Mid-30s professional, Washington, DC

“My year-long work with Caro as a coach utterly transformed my life. She is the best listener of any counselor I’ve ever worked with, and she made me feel so seen. She has a way of making you feel completely accepted for who you are, warts and all, while also providing concrete, practical suggestions that helped nudge me out of my rut.”

~40-year old mom, Fairfax, VA

“Caro was amazing! She is very clear in explaining in detail what each house and sign means which makes it easy to understand. Overall, she leaves you feeling hopeful and energized but most importantly helps you find a deeper connection within yourself.”

~Student in her late 20s, Costa Rica

Astrology is a language.  If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.

~Dane Rudhyar